Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Did Obama's National Intel Chief Lie to Congress, or is He Just Incompetent?

Why on Earth would James Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence, tell the United States Congress that the Muslim Brotherhood is a non-secular, pacifist organization?

The director of the United States' intelligence operations would be well-prepared to advise us of the political and social implications of the Egyptian unrest, and so we would expect a frank appraisal of the influence of the major coalition, the "Muslim Brotherhood."

What Congress received, and the MSM echoed, was the DNI's "assessment" that the Muslim Brotherhood was "non-secular" and "peaceful."

This flies in the face of the Muslim Brotherhood's avowed Islamic religious direction and its support of the murderous Hamas and Iranian regimes that espouse the annihilation of infidels.

Clapper is either a bald-faced liar or has adopted a politically-correct (and equally untrue) position of appeasement of the most-likely ascendant political-religious organization in the region.

James Clapper, the head of intelligence for the United States of America, has explained to Congress that the Muslim Brotherhood is “largely secular.” It further has “eschewed violence,” decries al-Qaeda as a “perversion of Islam,” and really just wants “social ends” and “a betterment of the political order in Egypt.”
This is the Muslim Brotherhood whose motto brays that the Koran is its law and jihad is its way. The MB whose Palestinian branch, the terrorist organization Hamas, was created for the specific purpose of destroying Israel — the goal its charter says is a religious obligation. It is the organization dedicated to the establishment of Islamicized societies and, ultimately, a global caliphate. It is an organization whose leadership says al-Qaeda’s emir, Osama bin Laden, is an honorable jihad warrior who was “close to Allah on high” in “resisting the occupation.”

After 18 days of indecision and lack of commitment, have we now accepted the influence of radical Muslims as "the Law of the Land" in the Middle East?

As with any political organization, stating a "principle," and adhering to a tenet are two different matters.

Much as I hate to cite Wikipedia as a "source," the history continues:

... [S]tarting in 1936, it began to oppose British rule in Egypt. Many Egyptian nationalists accuse the Brotherhood of violent killings during this period. ...
"General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America" makes the objectives of the MB clear: "The process of settlement is a 'Civilization-Jihadist Process' with all the word means. The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions."

Hamas grew out of the Muslim Brotherhood, a religious and political organization founded in Egypt with branches throughout the Arab world.

Want more?

The Brotherhood has not only described itself as an Islamist group, committed to implementing Sharia law, it spawned Egyptian Islamic Jihad -- which offed Anwar Sadat in 1981 and later joined forces with al Qaeda. Another Brotherhood offshoot is Hamas, the terrorist group that holds Gaza in its bloody grip. It's no fan of the Camp David peace accords with Israel, either.  

deny ignorance.

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