Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Obama's Desperate Lies

Desperation Surfaces in Obama’s Wisconsin Rally

It’s not unusual anymore in American politics for a candidate to slant the story or paint history in a more favorable light; this is sadly the price we pay for intensive coverage and “new media” reportage that sells sound bites better than analysis.

Our tolerance of, or indifference to, the rhetoric may have contributed to the complete separation of words from reality yesterday as Barack Obama tried to twist his record and use it to tarnish his opponent and rally the faithful by attributing his own biggest failures to Mitt Romney!

After vowing a “post-partisan” presidency, Obama derided Romney’s call to change Washington from the inside, the president mocked Romney’s call for reform as an“ inside job.” This, from an administration known more for “crony capitalism” that job growth; for favoritism of his union base at the expense of retirees and the rule of law. And, from a president who, in his first meeting with Congressional Republicans, reminded Sen. Kyl that his stimulus “rebates” to people who didn’t pay income taxes “trumped” them because, “I won.”

Most blatantly, and disingenuously, Obama cited examples of his own misbegotten schemes.

“If it's the inside job of letting …our insurance companies writing our health care policies … that's not the inside job we want.”

This from the administration that catered to and cajoled big pharma and insurers behind closed doors to support his health reform agenda, while lying about it to the public.

Drugmakers Vowed to Campaign for Health Law, Memos Show

It's not as if PhRMA just walked in an offered to help; Obama was bad-mouthing big pharmaceuticals in public, while pressuring them in private to "play ball," or else.

[exnews]The Obama administration aggressively pursued the pharmaceutical industry to make a deal in support of health care reform legislation in mid-2009, according to a series of emails.

Industry executives' correspondence confirmed that White House officials agreed to “kill” efforts on Capitol Hill to allow drugs to be imported from other countries to get the industry’s backing.[/exnews]

[url=]W.H. pushed hard for PhRMA health reform deal[/url]

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