Friday, January 2, 2015

Obama's Foreign Policy Failure

Andrew Racevich, once a lukewarm Obama  supporter, has published his take on why Barack Obama's foreign policy initiatives are seen as such failures.  From the "Cairo initiative" to the re-kindled Iraq was on terror, Columbia University's "George McGovern Fellow," cites numerous instances where Obama's proclamations failed to result in positives or even measurable results:
"when it comes to foreign policy, this very smart man was not quite smart enough to appreciate the magnitude of the problems he inherited, to understand how little he knew, and to recruit a team with sufficient talent to help him bridge the yawning gap between the first two."

Commenters have noted that the core of Obama's lack of success, or even initiative, have been pointed out by the likes of Dinesh D'Souza, who was subsequently singled-out and prosecuted for campaign funding / IRS / tax-related issues.

You don't have to reach out to others, such as D'Souza, for proof of Obama's "anti-colonial" intentions. All you have to do is read "Dreams FROM My Father."  Obama made it very clear, BEFORE he was elected, what his outlooks, beliefs and motivations were.  Those who failed to take heed now scratch their heads, wondering 'What happened,' when it right in front of them all along.
I learned long ago that the only way for conservatives to truly understand what "progressives" seek is to study their more-private words, rather than their speeches and proclamations; and to scrutinize their actions, past and present; then use them against them.
I saw this coming in 2008, and told you so.

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