Thursday, January 1, 2015

Scalise and bias


Much has been made of Rep. Scalise’s alleged appearance before EURO, or whether he even spoke to the organization at all.

The original post, from the son of a Scalise opponent, picked up by WaPO and HuffPo (those bastions of truth and accuracy), has been challenged by his “sponsor” as inaccurate.  It appears now that Scalise spoke to the sponsor, Knight’s, and Scalise’s  neighborhood association at the Metairie hotel 2 hours BEFORE the EURO event!


So, a then-state representative knowingly/unintelligently/accidentally spoke about budget issues 2 hours before a “White Supremacist” event 12 years ago?


But what if a presidential candidate‘s “spiritual mentor” was an anti-American, anti-White racist (Jeremiah Wright)?

What if one of his political mentors was a convicted terrorist (Bill Ayers)?

What if his most-trusted advisors on science and the environment were Communist (Van Jones), Socialist (Carol Browner), a de-development/population control  advocate (John Holdren), or a “stealth infiltration by covert agents” gov’t propaganda advocate against free speech (Cass Sunstein)?

What if he openly associated with a tax-evading, falsely accusing, race-baiting “race advisor” (Al Sharpton)?


Would any of that merit similar “outrage” and calls for resignation from office?

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